Thank you for your interest in our Student Support Services program at Ranger College! 

Please complete this application as thoroughly as possible. You cannot save and restart this application.  If you have any questions, please call our office at (254) 267-7050. 

The responses requested on this application are information required by the US Department of Education. 

General Information:
Current Campus *
School ID *
Last Name: *
First Name: *
Middle Name
Email Address: *
Cell Phone Number: *
Citizenship *
Date of Birth: *
Gender *
Do you have a documented DISABILITY? *
Did your mother GRADUATE from a FOUR-YEAR college? *
Did your father GRADUATE from a FOUR-YEAR college *
Eligible to receive Pell? *
I authorize the release of my financial aid information to the Ranger College Student Support Services staff for eligibility purposes. *
Sport or Activity Program (ex: Music, Baseball, Rodeo, Nursing) *

Referral Information:

Please select how you learned about this program.

Student Support Services is referred to as S3. 

Referral Source
If referred by an individual (ex. teacher, current S3 member, coach, etc.) please put his/her name in the box below. 
Referral Name

Sign and Submit:
By signing and submitting this application, you acknowledge that all of the above information is correct and accurate to the best of your understanding.

Applicant Signature *
Please select a signature verification type.